Tuesday, October 4, 2011

our last lot of visitors???

Pete and Sean arrived late on Friday night by train from Jasper. They decided to try the ViaRail train and had a fantastic experience on it!

On Saturday we checked out the Farmers' Markets and wandered around downtown and down to Riverside Park before heading home to prepare for a hockey game, the Blazers' first home game of the season! There was a fair in the plaza outside the Interior Savings Centre so we went a bit early to see what was going on.

at the Farmers' Markets

Ready for a Blazers' win!
Hockey action

On Sunday Pete, Sean, Frank and Liam went to Leslie's to help prepare their wood. Phoebe and I stayed home to help her recuperate. It sounds like they had a great time playing with chainsaws and a pneumatic block splitter, and finished off with a great chili lunch!

After they got home we headed to Adams River to check on the progress of the Salmon Run. It took us three goes to find the right spot, and when we got there there were others checking it out, too. The salmon had not arrived yet, but they should be coming any day. This year is not a dominant run, when millions of salmon return, but they are expecting a few hundred thousand. The area is lovely, and the paths and bridges made for a nice walk. We will keep an eye on this, so stay tuned!
Little moo

Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park

Adams River

We had a great slap-up meal at home of smokies and corn from Blackwell Dairy. It really hit the spot!

On Monday Liam did not have school as it was a Pro-D day, so Pete, Sean, Liam, Phoebe and I headed to Costco where we had a good morning, topped off with a pizza for lunch. We picked up Frank after school and all headed to the Canada Games Pool for a swim while Liam had his lesson.

We then headed to the Noble Pig for supper, where the beer was good and the deep-fried pickles were a hit!!

Cheers at the Noble Pig!
On Tuesday, Pete, Sean, Phoebe and I headed to the Wildlife Park. We arrived a bit early, but eventually got to see all the animals we were hoping to see. Apparently the slight decline in temperatures is already having an effect on the animals, and the bears in particular are getting up later than in the summer.

Sean, Pete, Phoebe and moose
Stinky goat and (not so stinky) Pete

the grizzly cubs

We had a Japanese burger for lunch and then Pete and Sean explored the First Nations museum while Phoebe and I did some shopping.

Late on Tuesday Frank dropped Pete and Sean to the train and enjoyed a tour through it with them.

All aboard!
Pete, Sean and Frank at Kamloops North station
Pete and the train

It was great that they were able to make it here to explore Canada and see us! Thanks for coming!!

So now is that the end of our visitors??? (I hope not!)

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