Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Liam with all his Valentine's Day loot from school!

Today is Valentine's Day, and we have enjoyed a different experience to usual.

At school, all the children made cards for the other students in the class. Liam was prepared with his 'Cars' Valentine's Day cards with lollipops, with great messages such as 'I'm head over wheels for you' and 'You make my heart race'. His teacher made the class cupcakes for their snack, and they filled their Valentine's bags with cards, lollies, and little presents they received from their class mates such as pencils, bookmarks, stickers and even a donut!

When I dropped Liam off at school, little kids (not yet school age) were wandering around giving out little Valentine's Day pictures to people they knew.

At home we are having a special dinner and cards all around in our attempt to experience all that is Canadian culture!

Our Valentine's dinner


Our cherubs!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alison and Frank, I'm enjoying catching up on your blog.

    If Liam gets to see the new "Cars" movie first (US release in June, Canada and Oz who-knows-when), Colman will be rather jealous!

